T T (TT)コスパ最強です!水炊きと一品があの金額で食べれるのは幸せです! (Translated by Google) The cost performance is the best! I'm happy to be able to eat Mizutaki and one dish for that price!コスパ最強です!水炊きと一品があの金額で食べれるのは幸せです!
(Translated by Google)
The cost performance is the best! I'm happy to be able to eat Mizutaki and one dish for that price! -
あんこ聖付きだし ゴマかんぱち 馬刺 大変美味しかったです。 隣の団体がIQOSを大量に吸われてるので 息苦しかった。仕方ない。 鶏水炊きコスパは良くなかったが美味しかった。 ただ1つカセットコンロが2回ガス切れ。...付きだし ゴマかんぱち 馬刺
(Translated by Google)
Served with sesame amberjack and horse sashimi
It was delicious.
Because the group next door is getting a lot of IQOS.
It was hard to breathe. I can't help it.
The cost performance of chicken mizutaki was not good, but it was delicious.
The only thing was that the cassette stove ran out of gas twice.
I wanted you to check the remaining amount.
I ordered a side of ramen, the noodles were thrown into the cold soup, and the cold ramen was ready. I couldn't eat this. disappointing. -
富安美津代料理も 美味しく 女将さんの明るい接客 素晴らしいです。 (Translated by Google) The food is delicious, and the hostess' cheerful customer service is wonderful.料理も 美味しく 女将さんの明るい接客 素晴らしいです。
(Translated by Google)
The food is delicious, and the hostess' cheerful customer service is wonderful. -
パピコ好みに合わせてアレンジしていただけます 美味しい 要予約 (Translated by Google) You can arrange it according to your preference. delicious Reservation required好みに合わせてアレンジしていただけます
(Translated by Google)
You can arrange it according to your preference.
Reservation required -
Mitsuyoshi Kontani水炊きまではほとんどが美味しく頂いたのですが、〆のラーメンの麺の仕上がりが粉落としかってくらい硬く、そして粉っぽくぼそぼそで全員がひと口で断念する形になり、最後に最悪な気持ちになりこの評価になって...水炊きまではほとんどが美味しく頂いたのですが、〆のラーメンの麺の仕上がりが粉落としかってくらい硬く、そして粉っぽくぼそぼそで全員がひと口で断念する形になり、最後に最悪な気持ちになりこの評価になってしまいました。
(Translated by Google)
Most of the food up until the mizutaki was delicious, but the finished ramen noodles were so hard that they almost looked like powder, and were so powdery that everyone gave up after one bite, leaving me with the worst feeling at the end. I ended up with this evaluation. -
Y *とても美味しくて雰囲気も接客も素晴らしかったです。外食で久しぶりに満足しました。また福岡に来た際はこさせてください。 (Translated by Google) It was very delicious and the atmosphere and customer se...とても美味しくて雰囲気も接客も素晴らしかったです。外食で久しぶりに満足しました。また福岡に来た際はこさせてください。
(Translated by Google)
It was very delicious and the atmosphere and customer service were great. It's been a long time since I felt satisfied eating out. Please come again when you come to Fukuoka. -
Hiroyuki Agario
渡邉美香関東からお越しの方に水炊きを食べてもらいたくて利用しました。予約もきちんと対応してくれて、鍋も具材はスタッフの方が投入してくれるのでお任せできるので有り難かったです。 ご馳走様でした!写真のお通し、...関東からお越しの方に水炊きを食べてもらいたくて利用しました。予約もきちんと対応してくれて、鍋も具材はスタッフの方が投入してくれるのでお任せできるので有り難かったです。
(Translated by Google)
I used this restaurant because I wanted people coming from Kanto to try mizutaki. I was very grateful that they took care of my reservations, and I was able to leave the hot pot and ingredients to the staff.
Thank you for the meal! I really liked the appetizer in the photo, the boiled egg with miso minced meat ♡ -
Ippei Tanaka
本野真治美味しかったです (Translated by Google) It was delicious美味しかったです
(Translated by Google)
It was delicious -
食いしんぼ娘。「水炊きがハンパなくおいしい」と噂のお店に 二次会で訪問しました! 水炊き言うと、和テイストなお店かと思いきや、 洋メニューも多く、年代性別問わず楽しめそうです! ◆馬肉ユッケ 乱切りされた大きめの馬...「水炊きがハンパなくおいしい」と噂のお店に
(Translated by Google)
A restaurant that is rumored to have ``mizutaki that's incredibly delicious''
I visited for the after-party!
When you think of mizutaki, you might think it's a Japanese-style restaurant, but...
There are many Western menus, so people of all ages and genders can enjoy it!
◆Horse meat yukhoe
Yukhoe with plenty of large chunks of horse meat! !
Red onion etc. add flavor and accent,
It makes it even more delicious! !
I was surprised that I could eat such delicious horse meat in Fukuoka! !
The most delicious thing was the salt ramen! ! ! ! ! !
They only serve mizutaki restaurants, and the chicken soup is very rich and rich!
When you hear about salt chicken ramen,
Although it is light and may lack some punch,
The rich and concentrated chicken salt soup was amazing! !
Better than any salt ramen I've ever had
We reigned in first place by far! !
This salt ramen is so delicious that it can compete as a specialty restaurant!
This is a must try!
This time it was the after-party, so
I couldn't try a lot of different menu items.
Very disappointing! ! !
Every menu was attractive.
Japanese and Western dishes, from fashionable items to izakaya menus.
There are so many variations of everything
It was a store that I had to visit many times and conquer!
There are private rooms, counters, and raised areas.
This store is easy to use! ! -
出口幸絵盛り付けも味もどれも美味しかったです。季節限定の揚げ栗だけは揚げすぎ?硬くて歯が弱い人は注意です!写真はぐるぐる鶏皮、馬刺し、付出しの半熟卵サラダ(かかってるソースが美味) あと、水炊きも拘りの白濁...盛り付けも味もどれも美味しかったです。季節限定の揚げ栗だけは揚げすぎ?硬くて歯が弱い人は注意です!写真はぐるぐる鶏皮、馬刺し、付出しの半熟卵サラダ(かかってるソースが美味)
(Translated by Google)
The presentation and taste were all delicious. Are the seasonal fried chestnuts too fried? Be careful if you have hard and weak teeth! The photo shows rolled chicken skin, horse sashimi, and soft-boiled egg salad (the sauce is delicious)
Also, the mizutaki was made with special care and the cloudy soup was exquisite! Recommended -
岡真水炊きが、めちゃくちゃ美味しい店!! オーナーの研究のすえ開発されたラーメンは特に激うまです!これだけを食べに行く事もあります!! (Translated by Google) A restaurant where mizutaki is extremely de...水炊きが、めちゃくちゃ美味しい店!!
(Translated by Google)
A restaurant where mizutaki is extremely delicious! !
The ramen, developed after the owner's research, is especially delicious! Sometimes I just go eat this! ! -
小町圭佑(KE1SUK3)鶏白湯ラーメンと明太チーズリゾット1000円ランチ 美味しかったです。 クレカ電子マネー可能 (Translated by Google) Chicken hot water ramen and mentaiko cheese risotto 1000 yen lunch It was delicious. C...鶏白湯ラーメンと明太チーズリゾット1000円ランチ
(Translated by Google)
Chicken hot water ramen and mentaiko cheese risotto 1000 yen lunch
It was delicious.
Credit card electronic money available -
小野俊樹ランチ利用 ラーメンと明太チーズリゾットセット 鶏の旨味が感じられるスープで美味しい リゾットにはスープをたっぷりかけてこれも美味しい、スープまで完食 喫煙場所が入口出てすぐのエレベーターホールのよう...ランチ利用
(Translated by Google)
Lunch use
Ramen and mentaiko cheese risotto set
Delicious soup with the flavor of chicken
Pour plenty of soup onto the risotto and it's delicious. I ate all the soup.
The smoking area is like the elevator hall right after the entrance, so if you are concerned about smoking, you may need to be careful. -
椎名水炊きのお店なのでラーメンのスープがとてつもなく美味 所謂鍋の〆の麺が美化された一杯として再現されているような印象 トッピング類になりがちな海苔やネギなのはデフォルトで含まれている好待遇 普通にラーメ...水炊きのお店なのでラーメンのスープがとてつもなく美味
所謂鍋の〆の麺が美化された一杯として再現されているような印象 トッピング類になりがちな海苔やネギなのはデフォルトで含まれている好待遇
(Translated by Google)
It's a mizutaki restaurant, so the ramen soup is incredibly delicious.
The impression is that the so-called noodles at the end of a hot pot are reproduced as a glorified bowl.Nori and green onions, which tend to be used as toppings, are included by default, which is a good deal.
Even if it were sold as a normal ramen shop, it would not be inferior, but it would be far more delicious.
I want to eat mizutaki next time, but I also feel like I want to eat ramen again. -
笑う門には福来る博多水炊きと言えば♡ 水炊きコース(飲み放題付き)¥5000 など 希望に合わせたコースもあり! スタッフの方々が優しいから 話しやすいし相談しやすい☺️ ことぷろさんの水炊きスープは カロリーも控えめらしい🤔 ...博多水炊きと言えば♡
(Translated by Google)
Speaking of Hakata Mizutaki♡
Mizutaki course (all-you-can-drink included) ¥5000
We also have courses tailored to your needs!
Because the staff are kind
Easy to talk to and consult with ☺️
Kotopuro’s mizutaki soup is
It also seems to be low in calories 🤔
I'm on a diet though
I want to eat it 😂!
Satisfaction that won't disappoint ♡
The inside of the store is also beautiful.
I want to be recognized as a regular and drink at the counter 😆🍺 -
law fukuokaランチ限定ラーメンセット1000円をいただきました。 ラーメンは水炊きのお店らしく、とりの出汁の効いた白濁スープで具材の鶏ハムなどもおいしい。玉ねぎのみじん切りも良いアクセントになっています。 セットの...ランチ限定ラーメンセット1000円をいただきました。
(Translated by Google)
I received the lunch limited ramen set for 1000 yen.
The ramen is typical of a mizutaki restaurant, with a cloudy soup made from chicken stock, and the chicken ham and other ingredients are delicious. The chopped onions are also a nice accent.
The chicken rice in the set is a little soft and sweet, and goes well with the ramen.
For this set and this price, you'll have no complaints. -
寺田美津子コースを見た時は、そんなに 料理の量が多いとは思わなかったが、すごくお腹いっぱいでした。全部美味しかったです。 (Translated by Google) When I saw the course, I didn't think so. I didn't think there ...コースを見た時は、そんなに
(Translated by Google)
When I saw the course, I didn't think so.
I didn't think there was a lot of food, but it was very filling. Everything was delicious. -
서해영모든 음식 다 평균 이상!! 다채롭게 후쿠오카 명물요리를 맛보고 싶다면 추천이옹 노미호다이 코스로 예약하고 먹었는데 술고래인 저는 대만족이었습니당😘😘 (Translated by Google) All food is above average!! ...모든 음식 다 평균 이상!!
다채롭게 후쿠오카 명물요리를 맛보고 싶다면 추천이옹
노미호다이 코스로 예약하고 먹었는데 술고래인 저는 대만족이었습니당😘😘 (Translated by Google) All food is above average!!
Recommended if you want to try a variety of Fukuoka's famous dishes.
I reserved and ate the Nomihodai course, and as a drunkard, I was very satisfied😘😘
Yusuke Sato
tshr nknランチ利用、昼はラーメンと選べるご飯セットのみ@1,000円。 さすが水炊き屋さんとあってスープも美味しい。 麺も太めで好み、鶏のチャーシューとつくねが入ってて満足度高い。 カレーは普通でしたので次はリゾ...ランチ利用、昼はラーメンと選べるご飯セットのみ@1,000円。
(Translated by Google)
For lunch, only ramen and a rice set of your choice are available for 1,000 yen.
As expected from a mizutaki restaurant, the soup is delicious.
I like the noodles to be thicker, and the chicken chashu and meatballs are very satisfying.
The curry was average, so I'll probably try the risotto next.
It's on the 5th floor of the building, so it's clean and has a nice atmosphere, so it's recommended. -
Mai OS凄く美味しかったし、雰囲気も良かったです。広くは無いですが料理も接客もとても良かったです。 (Translated by Google) It was really delicious and the atmosphere was great. Although it is not large, th...凄く美味しかったし、雰囲気も良かったです。広くは無いですが料理も接客もとても良かったです。
(Translated by Google)
It was really delicious and the atmosphere was great. Although it is not large, the food and customer service were very good. -
モチ子オシャレな店内で、個室もあり、くつろげる感じで、とても良い。 料理も美味しくて、価格もリーズナブルでした!! (Translated by Google) The interior of the store is stylish, and there are private rooms...オシャレな店内で、個室もあり、くつろげる感じで、とても良い。
(Translated by Google)
The interior of the store is stylish, and there are private rooms, making it feel very relaxing.
The food was delicious and the price was reasonable! ! -
yupoラーメンがすごく美味しかったです!他のメニューも美味しいし、店員さんも優しいのでリピ確定です。 (Translated by Google) The ramen was so delicious! The other menu items are also delicious and the st...ラーメンがすごく美味しかったです!他のメニューも美味しいし、店員さんも優しいのでリピ確定です。
(Translated by Google)
The ramen was so delicious! The other menu items are also delicious and the staff are kind, so I'm sure I'll come back here again. -
song songThis is a smoking restaurant!!This is a smoking restaurant!!
5555 komingway
NA OKOランチの特製ラーメンをいただきました。 とても美味しかったです。 昼飲みができるということで、かなりうるさいグループがいてせっかく美味しくて雰囲気も良いお店なのに居心地は悪かったです。 店内が狭いので...ランチの特製ラーメンをいただきました。
(Translated by Google)
I had the special ramen for lunch.
It was very delicious.
There was a very noisy group of people there for lunch, so it was uncomfortable even though the food was delicious and the atmosphere was nice.
The inside of the store was small, so the voices echoed and it was very uncomfortable.
It's true that the timing was bad, but I think the store should have been more careful about that. -
なべ食べ終わった食器をずーっと片付けない客が居ないのに 水のグラスには洗い残しが付いてたので一滴も飲みませんでした 不衛生なお店に感じました (Translated by Google) There are no customers who never cle...食べ終わった食器をずーっと片付けない客が居ないのに
(Translated by Google)
There are no customers who never clean up their dishes after eating.
There was some leftover water in my water glass, so I didn't drink a single drop.
It felt like an unsanitary store. -
Tetsuya Nakashimaランチのラーメン最高だった (Translated by Google) Lunch ramen was greatランチのラーメン最高だった
(Translated by Google)
Lunch ramen was great -
Masako Kakutaまだ新しくて、おしゃれな店舗内装と清潔感が◎ 飲み放題のメニューが豊富◎ (Translated by Google) It's still new, with a stylish interior and cleanliness. Extensive all-you-can-drink menu◎まだ新しくて、おしゃれな店舗内装と清潔感が◎
(Translated by Google)
It's still new, with a stylish interior and cleanliness.
Extensive all-you-can-drink menu◎ -
umami&gamemi昼飲みが出来るこちらのお店。 まずは15時までの限定メニュー博多地鶏特製ラーメンを♡ 鶏ご飯、ミニ水炊きカレー、チーズ明太リゾット、ソフトドリンクの中から1つ選んで千円と嬉しいコスパ。 友達と3種類ご飯を...昼飲みが出来るこちらのお店。
(Translated by Google)
This is a restaurant where you can have lunch.
First of all, we have the limited menu Hakata chicken special ramen until 15:00 ♡
Choose one from chicken rice, mini mizutaki curry, cheese mentai risotto, and a soft drink for only 1,000 yen, a great value.
My friend and I chose 3 types of rice to share.
Delicious ramen that goes well with the rich soup and chopped onions ♡
I also like the soup piping hot.
The noodles were also delicious.
It goes well with risotto, but I thought it would definitely go well with white rice as well.
I also liked the sweetness of the chicken rice.
After eating ramen, I ordered a la carte dish and started drinking lunch ♡
Fried Hakata chicken was juicy and delicious ♡
The homemade tartar sauce is also delicious.
I liked the store because it was clean and had a relaxing atmosphere.
It's a shop you'll want to come to at night too♪ -
duca yas
相原秀伍上品な内装と水炊きコースでした。 素晴らしいです。 (Translated by Google) It had an elegant interior and a mizutaki course. It's amazing.上品な内装と水炊きコースでした。
(Translated by Google)
It had an elegant interior and a mizutaki course.
It's amazing. -
やゆよ料理は文句なしで美味しかった。 が、接客に難あり。 特製らぁめんを食べに行ったのですが、数量限定と書いてあったので、注文の途中で女性店員にまだラーメンの注文ができるか確認。確認しますと言ってすぐ近く...料理は文句なしで美味しかった。
(Translated by Google)
The food was absolutely delicious.
However, there is a problem with customer service.
I went to try the special ramen, but it said that quantities were limited, so I asked the female staff member in the middle of ordering if I could still order ramen. I said I would check and asked the person in the nearby kitchen, but the person in the kitchen asked, ``Do you have any other orders?'' The female clerk replied, "We only have skewers in the bag." Hearing this exchange, I was disappointed, so I ordered just ramen and skewers and headed home.
I could clearly hear the conversations between staff members, and the content was unpleasant. Nowhere does it say that you have to order other dishes in order to order ramen, and if you didn't order it, did they mean to not serve it? I can't help but wonder what he meant by that. Even before the food arrived, I was saying, ``This restaurant doesn't exist anymore (lol).''
It's a shame because the food was delicious. -
橋TAKEランチでお伺いしました。 ビルの下の立て看板を確認しエレベーターで5階へ ランンチはラーメンのセットのみですが、このラーメンが見た目も味も綺麗でした。 1つ1つの具材も丁寧に作られている気がします。 セ...ランチでお伺いしました。
(Translated by Google)
I visited you for lunch.
Check the signboard at the bottom of the building and take the elevator to the 5th floor.
Lunch is only a ramen set, but this ramen looked and tasted beautiful.
I feel like each ingredient is carefully made.
The mini curry in the set was a rich and slightly spicy curry.
Parking is around 200 yen for 30 minutes at a nearby parking lot. -
N Kお世辞抜きに美味かったー! (Translated by Google) It was incredibly delicious!お世辞抜きに美味かったー!
(Translated by Google)
It was incredibly delicious! -
yamaki kazunori美味しいしおしゃれ✨ (Translated by Google) Delicious and stylish✨美味しいしおしゃれ✨
(Translated by Google)
Delicious and stylish✨ -
LOVE mogmogたまたま予約無しで入れました。 旅行で訪れたのですが、夫がスマホを落として画面が割れ…、テンション最底辺のなか…気になっていたお店が閉店しており…、と色々うまくいかないままふと見つけたこちらのお店に立...たまたま予約無しで入れました。
(Translated by Google)
I happened to get in without a reservation.
I visited on a trip, but my husband dropped his smartphone and the screen cracked...I was at the bottom of my nerves...the shop I was interested in was closed...and after a lot of trouble, I stumbled upon this shop. When I stopped by, I was lucky enough to be shown to a seat.
I've always wanted to try Hakata's mizutaki, and this was my first time trying it.
The meat was plump and juicy, the broth was golden and had a collagen-like consistency, and it was so delicious.
The appetizer egg, the golden yuzu pepper and ponzu sauce that came with it, and the shime ramen were all really delicious, and I'm glad that my first mizutaki was at a restaurant that tasted better than I imagined! I thought so.
I didn't really understand how to make mizutaki, but the staff at the store took care of everything for me.
Even my depressed husband is delicious...! I felt refreshed and had very good memories. -
M G2023.11.11 ランチ備忘録 水炊き屋さんの鶏白湯 ① 博多地鶏 特製らぁめん 1000円 +鶏ご飯 or チーズ明太リゾット or ミニ水炊きカレー or ソフトドリンク ※15:00までの限定 15:00以降はらぁめんのみ 鶏のいい...2023.11.11 ランチ備忘録
① 博多地鶏 特製らぁめん 1000円
+鶏ご飯 or チーズ明太リゾット or
ミニ水炊きカレー or ソフトドリンク
(Translated by Google)
2023.11.11 Lunch memo
Mizutaki restaurant's chicken hot water
① Hakata chicken special ramen 1000 yen
+Chicken rice or cheese mentaiko risotto or
Mini mizutaki curry or soft drink
*Limited until 15:00
Ramen only after 15:00
A flavorful mizutaki soup with a nice chicken aroma
The rich soup made with the noodles is mixed with chewy medium-thick noodles.
Deliciousness spreads throughout your mouth
Default dishes such as chicken chashu, boiled eggs, and meatballs
There are a lot of toppings, and the taste changes halfway through with yuzu pepper.
This was so good that I could enjoy it to the last drop.
There was no chicken rice, but the mizutaki curry was also cheese mentaiko.
The rice risotto style is also quite good.
After I finished eating, I was glad I visited.
Thank you for the meal
★★★★☆ -
hiroyuki t水炊き、鳥しゃぶ、美味しいです 〆の雑炊は、これまでにない鳥風味で しっかりとした味でした! (Translated by Google) Mizutaki, chicken shabu, delicious The rice porridge at the end has a bird flavor ...水炊き、鳥しゃぶ、美味しいです
(Translated by Google)
Mizutaki, chicken shabu, delicious
The rice porridge at the end has a bird flavor like never before.
It had a strong taste! -
道北のゴリラ後輩が長年付き合っていた彼と結婚するということでお祝いの為に来店。5年ぶりぐらいの再会 福岡っぽいチョイスは私が初福岡を満喫したかったから(笑) 店の雰囲気、お洒落さ、料理の独自性にこだわり良い雰囲...後輩が長年付き合っていた彼と結婚するということでお祝いの為に来店。5年ぶりぐらいの再会
(Translated by Google)
My junior came to the store to celebrate as he was getting married to the man he had been dating for many years. Reunion after about 5 years
I chose a Fukuoka-like choice because I wanted to fully enjoy Fukuoka for the first time (lol)
It was a restaurant that was particular about the atmosphere, fashion, and uniqueness of the food.It had a good atmosphere and was interesting.It was a restaurant with a new sensation, but you could also feel that they were particular about the ingredients (o^^o)
The staff at the store had a nice smile and answered all my questions carefully, and they were great at adjusting the heat of the pot. -
ひでみ焼き鳥が美味しかったです♪ お店もとってもおしゃれで最高でした!!!! (Translated by Google) The yakitori was delicious♪ The shop was also very stylish and great! ! ! !焼き鳥が美味しかったです♪
(Translated by Google)
The yakitori was delicious♪
The shop was also very stylish and great! ! ! ! -
じゅうじゅうおしゃれで美味しく満足です! (Translated by Google) Stylish, delicious and satisfying!おしゃれで美味しく満足です!
(Translated by Google)
Stylish, delicious and satisfying! -
Olive Apple初めてのお伺い。これお通し。絶妙な茹で加減の卵の上にマヨネーズのソース、卵の下には味噌ソース。うまい。。なんじゃこりゃ、、うまい。洒落とるし、うまいし。。 (Translated by Google) This is my first v...初めてのお伺い。これお通し。絶妙な茹で加減の卵の上にマヨネーズのソース、卵の下には味噌ソース。うまい。。なんじゃこりゃ、、うまい。洒落とるし、うまいし。。
(Translated by Google)
This is my first visit. I'll give you this. Mayonnaise sauce on top of perfectly boiled eggs, and miso sauce under the eggs. good. . What the heck, it's delicious. It's stylish and delicious. . -
KOJIなんか心からはもてなされてない雰囲気 (Translated by Google) I feel like I'm not really being welcomed.なんか心からはもてなされてない雰囲気
(Translated by Google)
I feel like I'm not really being welcomed. -
yo okうまい!おしゃれ! 開店が12:00~なのが若干注意ですが、うまい!です 天井も高いです。座席もゆとりがあります。 本当になんてんをあげるとすると、 最初に敷物があり、その後にお盆が来るのですが これ、どう...うまい!おしゃれ!
(Translated by Google)
good! Stylish!
Please be aware that it opens from 12:00, but it's delicious! is
The ceiling is also high. The seats are also spacious.
If I were to really give you something,
First there is the rug, then comes the tray.
How should I place this? I was wondering
I thought it would be perfect if that was the only thing that was clear. -
sho nakashima
星野源宴会で利用させていただきました 5.000円飲み放題コースでお願いしました 次回は水炊きコースと心に決めました 【頼んだメニュー】 ◆前菜 下に肉味噌を引いたゆで卵ちゃん これうまかったなー ◆カルパッチョサ...宴会で利用させていただきました
(Translated by Google)
I used it at a banquet.
I ordered the all-you-can-drink course for 5,000 yen.
I decided to try the mizutaki course next time.
[Menu ordered]
Boiled egg with meat and miso on the bottom
This was delicious
◆Carpaccio salad
I also like that the fish was cut thicker.
It was built into the eyes quite well.
High level of satisfaction
Choose from about 4 different parts to eat
Toro was delicious
◆Fish dishes
shrimp chili mayonnaise
There's mentaiko in the mayo and it's delicious.
◆Meat dishes
Moderately cooked beef
The sauce is rich and delicious
It's nice to have condensed milk inside.
Soup is delicious
chicken is delicious
The private room also has a large ceiling, which is nice.
[Assumed usage scene]
For entertainment and dinner
[Location, access]
From Konyamachi Akasaka -
0326kyon水炊き店の新メニュー、水炊きラーメンのランチを頂きました! 本格的な水炊きスープに、もちもちの麺♡ 水炊きカレーもついて1000円‼︎ 大満足のランチでしたー♪ 次は夜も行きたいっ!水炊きが飲み放題つきで5000...水炊き店の新メニュー、水炊きラーメンのランチを頂きました!
(Translated by Google)
We had a lunch of mizutaki ramen, a new menu item from a mizutaki restaurant!
Authentic mizutaki soup with chewy noodles ♡
1000 yen with mizutaki curry!! ︎
It was a very satisfying lunch♪
Next time I want to go at night too! Mizutaki is 5,000 yen including all-you-can-drink! Definitely a repeat purchase 👍 -
一般社団法人ならっきい和の素敵な空間が広がっていて、水炊きスープのラーメンが初めて出会う味で感動しながらいただきました。ありがとうございます✨ (Translated by Google) There was a wonderful Japanese space, and I was impre...和の素敵な空間が広がっていて、水炊きスープのラーメンが初めて出会う味で感動しながらいただきました。ありがとうございます✨
(Translated by Google)
There was a wonderful Japanese space, and I was impressed by the taste of mizutaki soup ramen that I encountered for the first time. Thank you ✨ -
宮原良平このラーメンはまじでばりばりうまい! 本当におすすめします! (Translated by Google) This ramen is seriously delicious! I really recommend it!このラーメンはまじでばりばりうまい!
(Translated by Google)
This ramen is seriously delicious!
I really recommend it! -
K T落ち着いた雰囲気で美味しい水炊き最高です! お昼からお酒も飲めるのでおすすめです! お昼は麺屋ことぷろとして水炊きらーめんがあります!美味しかったです! (Translated by Google) Delicious mizutaki in...落ち着いた雰囲気で美味しい水炊き最高です!
(Translated by Google)
Delicious mizutaki in a calm atmosphere is the best!
It is recommended because you can drink alcohol from lunch!
For lunch, we serve mizutaki ramen as a noodle shop Kotopuro! It was delicious! -
24 A-
こあら5月下旬に訪問 大通りから1本入った路地裏の雑居ビルの中にお店がある。 福岡旅行をするならば水炊きが食べたいと口コミを見てこちらのお店を予約。 お通しから全て美味しく連れも大喜びでした。 メインとして...5月下旬に訪問
(Translated by Google)
Visited in late May
The shop is located in a multi-tenant building in a back alley one street from the main street.
When traveling to Fukuoka, I wanted to eat mizutaki, so I read the reviews and made a reservation at this restaurant.
Everything from appetizer to appetizer was delicious and my companion was very happy.
The mizutaki I ordered as a main dish had a beautiful golden-brown soup and was very satisfying. ️The clerk will share it for you😆
I will visit you next time if I have a chance. Thank you for the meal!! ️ -
chan a黒髪の女性スタッフの接客が最悪。ただただ不愉快で料理が不味く感じた。 名物の水炊きが残念。鶏肉がスモーキーで水炊きとミスマッチ。 (Translated by Google) The customer service by the black-haired fema...黒髪の女性スタッフの接客が最悪。ただただ不愉快で料理が不味く感じた。
(Translated by Google)
The customer service by the black-haired female staff is the worst. It was just unpleasant and the food tasted bad.
Disappointing with the famous mizutaki. The chicken was smoky and mismatched with the mizutaki. -
Hitomi Fujichika
お豚先輩リーズナブルなのに一品一品が上品でした! 今回はアラカルトにしましたが、水炊きの飲み放題付きコース¥5000も魅力的なので、次回は水炊き飲み放題付きコースにします! (Translated by Google) Although it wa...リーズナブルなのに一品一品が上品でした!
(Translated by Google)
Although it was reasonably priced, each item was of high quality!
This time I opted for a la carte, but the ¥5,000 course that includes all-you-can-drink mizutaki is also attractive, so next time I'll go for the all-you-can-drink mizutaki course! -
戸田慎一博多でいろんなお店で水炊きをたべてきましたが、ことぷろさんは、濃厚でお肉もとても美味しいです。 (Translated by Google) I've eaten mizutaki at various restaurants in Hakata, but Kotopuro's is rich a...博多でいろんなお店で水炊きをたべてきましたが、ことぷろさんは、濃厚でお肉もとても美味しいです。
(Translated by Google)
I've eaten mizutaki at various restaurants in Hakata, but Kotopuro's is rich and the meat is very delicious. -
ZERO当日30分前に予約して、 水炊き飲み放題付き120分コース1人5000円で行けました。 水炊き、前菜、唐揚げ全部美味しかったです。店の雰囲気も落ち着く感じで良い感じでした。 また水炊きは、店員さんが全て調理して...当日30分前に予約して、
(Translated by Google)
Please make a reservation 30 minutes in advance on the day.
I got a 120-minute course with all-you-can-drink mizutaki for 5,000 yen per person.
The mizutaki, appetizers, and fried chicken were all delicious. The atmosphere of the store was nice and relaxing.
The staff will also prepare all the mizutaki for you. Thank you! -
みんなの貴景勝無表情で頑張る店員に要注目! (Translated by Google) Be sure to pay attention to the store clerk who works hard with no expression on his face!無表情で頑張る店員に要注目!
(Translated by Google)
Be sure to pay attention to the store clerk who works hard with no expression on his face! -
とびとびお料理などはとても大満足でした。 定員の態度は特に必見です!!! (Translated by Google) I was very satisfied with the food. The attitude of the staff is especially must-see! ! !料理などはとても大満足でした。
(Translated by Google)
I was very satisfied with the food.
The attitude of the staff is especially must-see! ! ! -
宮崎香料理がどれも美味しく お酒も含めて金額も良心的です もう何度もリピートしてます おすすめです♪ (Translated by Google) All the dishes are delicious The price is reasonable including alcohol. I've repea...料理がどれも美味しく
(Translated by Google)
All the dishes are delicious
The price is reasonable including alcohol.
I've repeated it many times already
Recommended♪ -
KOH UENOお洒落な雰囲気のお店と水炊きだけでなく、フレンチもランチも絶品でございます。 (Translated by Google) Not only does the restaurant have a stylish atmosphere and mizutaki, but the French cuisine and ...お洒落な雰囲気のお店と水炊きだけでなく、フレンチもランチも絶品でございます。
(Translated by Google)
Not only does the restaurant have a stylish atmosphere and mizutaki, but the French cuisine and lunch are also exquisite. -
Seiichi Furukawa
J J後輩と2人で夜に食事に行きました!どのメニューもとてもお洒落に盛り付けされていて、味も絶品!フレンチ風にアレンジしてある一品メニューの他に、焼き鳥や、お鍋まであるのは感動です。お腹いっぱいで、お鍋ま...後輩と2人で夜に食事に行きました!どのメニューもとてもお洒落に盛り付けされていて、味も絶品!フレンチ風にアレンジしてある一品メニューの他に、焼き鳥や、お鍋まであるのは感動です。お腹いっぱいで、お鍋まで辿り着きませんでした。オーナーも気さくに話しかけてくれて、とてもアットホームなお店でした!またぜひ伺いますね。
(Translated by Google)
My junior and I went out for dinner tonight! All the menu items are very stylishly presented and the taste is exquisite! In addition to the French-style a la carte menu, you'll be impressed by the fact that they also have yakitori and hot pot dishes. I was so full that I couldn't even reach the pot. The owner was friendly and talked to me, making me feel at home! I would love to hear from you again. -
yu ta女性向けのメニュー(ワイン向け)が豊富な上に馬刺や水炊きまで幅広い品揃え♪ 鴨やラムチョップも美味しいかったです🍶 特に水炊きは絶品ですよ~ (Translated by Google) We have a wide selection of menus for ...女性向けのメニュー(ワイン向け)が豊富な上に馬刺や水炊きまで幅広い品揃え♪
(Translated by Google)
We have a wide selection of menus for women (for wine), as well as horse sashimi and mizutaki♪
The duck and lamb chops were also delicious 🍶
The mizutaki is especially delicious! -
Koki Nishioka😍😍
Kwat W水炊きが飲み放題付きで1人5000円とリーズナブルに食べられました。初めてでしたがとても美味しく頂けました。 店員の子達は楽しく接客してくれて、また来たくなるお店でした。 (Translated by Google) Mizutaki...水炊きが飲み放題付きで1人5000円とリーズナブルに食べられました。初めてでしたがとても美味しく頂けました。
(Translated by Google)
Mizutaki was reasonably priced at 5,000 yen per person, including all-you-can-drink. It was my first time, but it was very delicious.
The staff members were happy to serve customers, and it was a store that I would want to come back to again. -
K Yごちそうさまでした。直前の予約でも水炊きコースを注文できました。美味しくて、スタッフも素敵でした! (Translated by Google) Thank you for the meal. I was able to order the mizutaki course even with ...ごちそうさまでした。直前の予約でも水炊きコースを注文できました。美味しくて、スタッフも素敵でした!
(Translated by Google)
Thank you for the meal. I was able to order the mizutaki course even with a last minute reservation. It was delicious and the staff was wonderful! -
Kenji Suzuki水炊きはお店の方が鍋のお世話と取り分けをしてくださる。 サラダはドレッシングが個性的。焼き鳥も美味で塩でいただける。 店内も清潔で綺麗。居心地良いです。 (Translated by Google) When it comes to mizut...水炊きはお店の方が鍋のお世話と取り分けをしてくださる。
(Translated by Google)
When it comes to mizutaki, the staff at the restaurant will take care of the pot and serve it for you.
The salad dressing is unique. Yakitori is also delicious and can be served with salt.
The store is also clean and beautiful. It's comfortable. -
yoshiteru kawano前菜からメインの水炊きまで、とにかく料理が美味しいお店です! 小人数で美味しい料理を堪能したい方にオススメです★ (Translated by Google) From the appetizers to the main dish, this is a restaurant whe...前菜からメインの水炊きまで、とにかく料理が美味しいお店です!
(Translated by Google)
From the appetizers to the main dish, this is a restaurant where the food is delicious!
Recommended for those who want to enjoy delicious food in a small group★ -
6 siお通しからバツグンに旨い!何を食べても旨いしお店の方も親切丁寧!また行きたいお店になりました (Translated by Google) It's delicious right from the start! No matter what you eat, it's delicious and ...お通しからバツグンに旨い!何を食べても旨いしお店の方も親切丁寧!また行きたいお店になりました
(Translated by Google)
It's delicious right from the start! No matter what you eat, it's delicious and the staff are kind and polite! It has become a store I want to go to again. -
松重康二郎美味しいと良く聞くお店に早く行きたい😆 (Translated by Google) I want to go to a restaurant that I hear is delicious 😆美味しいと良く聞くお店に早く行きたい😆
(Translated by Google)
I want to go to a restaurant that I hear is delicious 😆 -
IXA友人の婚約祝いで急遽お店を探し、以前から気になっていたので利用しました。良かったです。 雰囲気は比較的落ち着いていて、個室も割とあるので色々なシーンで使えるなという印象。オシャレだったのでデートで...友人の婚約祝いで急遽お店を探し、以前から気になっていたので利用しました。良かったです。
(Translated by Google)
I was looking for a restaurant in a hurry to celebrate my friend's engagement, and I had been interested in this restaurant for some time, so I decided to use it. It was good.
The atmosphere is relatively calm and there are quite a few private rooms, so I get the impression that it can be used for a variety of occasions. It was fashionable, so you could definitely go on a date.
As the restaurant's name suggests, the specialty is mizutaki (mizutaki), and the soup, which has been simmered for 7 hours with just water and oil, is extremely delicate and delicious. I was also impressed that the staff shared the hot pot with me.
It was a course meal that day, but the yakitori and stylish creative dishes were also delicious.
I would like to continue using it in the future. -
Cat VaporWave雰囲気はモダンでよいです。 食事は、ランチを2種類注文しましたが、ハンバーグもカツ丼もしょっぱかった。 味噌汁もさらにしょっぱかった。 提供する前に少しも味見をしていないと思われる。 (Translated by G...雰囲気はモダンでよいです。
(Translated by Google)
The atmosphere is modern and nice.
For meals, I ordered two types of lunch, but both the hamburger and katsudon were salty.
The miso soup was also salty.
It seems like they didn't taste it at all before serving it. -
A MWe went here because the current rating (4.8) was very inviting. Upon entering the store, the ambiance was quite luxurious. And even though we came at around 4:30 in the afternoon, we were able to ...We went here because the current rating (4.8) was very inviting. Upon entering the store, the ambiance was quite luxurious. And even though we came at around 4:30 in the afternoon, we were able to dine in for their lunch specials.
We waited for about 15-20 minutes for our order. Unfortunately, everything was very salty — including the miso soup and especially the sauce they used on both our dishes. 🥺 So salty, that we didn’t finish eating the rice.
Maybe we should’ve ordered their chicken curry instead, which everyone is recommending. 🤷🏻♀️
Additionally, their loud pop background music totally ruined their very nice, modern Japanese vibe. 🙁 -
Masa. Skny.
猫先生どのメニューも美味しかったのですが,水炊きのスープで作った締めの雑炊は過去一の絶品でした。これは確実にリピートすることになりそうです。 #ことぷろ #博多水炊き #ときどきフレンチ #絶品雑炊 All the di...どのメニューも美味しかったのですが,水炊きのスープで作った締めの雑炊は過去一の絶品でした。これは確実にリピートすることになりそうです。
All the dishes were delicious, but the zosui (rice porridge) made with mizutaki broth was the best ever. I will certainly be repeating this dish.
(Translated by Google)
All of the menu items were delicious, but the zosui (rice porridge) made with mizutaki soup was the best ever. This will definitely be a repeat.
#Hakata mizutaki
#Sometimes French
#exquisite rice porridge
All the dishes were delicious, but the zosui (rice porridge) made with mizutaki broth was the best ever. I will certainly be repeating this dish. -
園田智昭会社が近いので噂を耳にランチを食べに来ました!水炊きカレーなんて初めて!ホテル風でとても美味しかったです!今度夜行ってみます! (Translated by Google) I came to work for lunch after hearing the rum...会社が近いので噂を耳にランチを食べに来ました!水炊きカレーなんて初めて!ホテル風でとても美味しかったです!今度夜行ってみます!
(Translated by Google)
I came to work for lunch after hearing the rumors as my work was nearby! This is my first time trying mizutaki curry! It tasted like a hotel and was very delicious! I'll try going tonight next time! -
さよう水炊きチキンカツカリーをいただきました!とにかく美味しい!!見た目もオシャレで味も美味しくお腹もいっぱいになる最高のカレーでした!次は夜の時間帯にきます!!! (Translated by Google) I had the mizu...水炊きチキンカツカリーをいただきました!とにかく美味しい!!見た目もオシャレで味も美味しくお腹もいっぱいになる最高のカレーでした!次は夜の時間帯にきます!!!
(Translated by Google)
I had the mizutaki chicken cutlet curry! It's delicious anyway! ! It was the best curry that looked stylish, tasted delicious, and filled your stomach! Next time I will come at night time! ! ! -
まみ料理も美味しいし接客も良かったです。 (Translated by Google) The food was delicious and the customer service was good.料理も美味しいし接客も良かったです。
(Translated by Google)
The food was delicious and the customer service was good. -
だるまどのお料理も美味しく頂きました😋 また 伺いたいと思います✨ (Translated by Google) All the dishes were delicious 😋 I would like to visit you again✨どのお料理も美味しく頂きました😋
また 伺いたいと思います✨
(Translated by Google)
All the dishes were delicious 😋
I would like to visit you again✨ -
ひー今日、食事をさせてもらいましたが、このお店は間違いないと思いました! 値段もリーズナブルなので行きやすく、 店員さんの対応も最高でした! また行きたいです! (Translated by Google) I had a meal today,...今日、食事をさせてもらいましたが、このお店は間違いないと思いました!
(Translated by Google)
I had a meal today, and I thought this restaurant was definitely the place to be!
The prices are reasonable, so it's easy to get to.
The staff's response was also great!
I want to go again! -
待鳥真一(matchi999)周りの知人からお薦めされて、二次会で使わせていただきましたが、とにかく料理が美味くて、二次会じゃなくて、こちらをメインにしとけば良かったと後悔するぐらいでした😋 次回はメインで使わせていただきます^_...周りの知人からお薦めされて、二次会で使わせていただきましたが、とにかく料理が美味くて、二次会じゃなくて、こちらをメインにしとけば良かったと後悔するぐらいでした😋
(Translated by Google)
It was recommended to me by a friend of mine, and I ate there at an after-party, but the food was so delicious that I almost regretted choosing this as the main dish instead of the after-party.
Next time I will use it as the main one ^_^ -
しんためっちゃオシャレなお店です。 (Translated by Google) It's a very stylish shop.めっちゃオシャレなお店です。
(Translated by Google)
It's a very stylish shop. -
こにたん福岡で僕的に1番美味しい水炊きとフレンチのお店です。旅館料理人出身のオーナーが作る料理はどれも絶品です。必食のお店です (Translated by Google) For me, this is the most delicious mizutaki and French ...福岡で僕的に1番美味しい水炊きとフレンチのお店です。旅館料理人出身のオーナーが作る料理はどれも絶品です。必食のお店です
(Translated by Google)
For me, this is the most delicious mizutaki and French restaurant in Fukuoka. All the dishes prepared by the owner, who is a former inn chef, are exquisite. This is a must-try restaurant. -
07 18お店の雰囲気がとても良い!! 何回行っても飽きない!! 安すぎるのに、料理は全て美味しい!! (Translated by Google) The atmosphere of the store is very nice! ! No matter how many times I go, I never...お店の雰囲気がとても良い!!
(Translated by Google)
The atmosphere of the store is very nice! !
No matter how many times I go, I never get tired of it! !
Even though it's too cheap, all the food is delicious! ! -
憲昭徳永(のり)どのメニュー食べようかいつも悩むくらいなんでも美味いしリーズナブル😋 もしメニューに悩んだら、オーナーにおすすめを聞いて見るのもええかも! (Translated by Google) Everything is delicious and reasonab...どのメニュー食べようかいつも悩むくらいなんでも美味いしリーズナブル😋
(Translated by Google)
Everything is delicious and reasonably priced, so much so that I always have to worry about which menu to eat 😋
If you're having trouble deciding on the menu, it might be a good idea to ask the owner for recommendations! -
田中恭一料理に大満足。料金もリーズナブル。寛げるお店です。 (Translated by Google) Very satisfied with the food. Prices are also reasonable. It's a relaxing shop.料理に大満足。料金もリーズナブル。寛げるお店です。
(Translated by Google)
Very satisfied with the food. Prices are also reasonable. It's a relaxing shop. -
Shigeru Sasaki料理が美味しかったです。突き出しの煮卵からおしまいの料理まで、大満足の味でした。結構飲んで食べたのですが、財布に優しい金額でした。 (Translated by Google) The food was delicious. Everything from th...料理が美味しかったです。突き出しの煮卵からおしまいの料理まで、大満足の味でした。結構飲んで食べたのですが、財布に優しい金額でした。
(Translated by Google)
The food was delicious. Everything from the boiled egg to the final dish was very satisfying. I drank and ate quite a bit, but it was a wallet-friendly price. -
yoshihiro hayasaki土曜日に行ってきました。 若者が沢山来店していましたが、私たちオジさんにもおいしく楽しく過ごせる店でした。 どの料理も良かったですよ。 (Translated by Google) I went on Saturday. There were a lot ...土曜日に行ってきました。
(Translated by Google)
I went on Saturday.
There were a lot of young people visiting the store, but it was also a place where we old men could have a good time and have fun.
All dishes were good. -
藤田圭郎ランチのハンバーグライスをいただきました!ジューシーなハンバーグと黄身と玉ねぎベースのソースとご飯が混ざって、マジ美味かった(*´∀`*) ランチは3種だけで、他にカレーと丼ものだったかな、また行かなきゃ...ランチのハンバーグライスをいただきました!ジューシーなハンバーグと黄身と玉ねぎベースのソースとご飯が混ざって、マジ美味かった(*´∀`*)
(Translated by Google)
I had hamburger rice for lunch! The combination of juicy hamburger steak, yolk, onion-based sauce, and rice was seriously delicious (*´∀`*)
There were only 3 types of lunch, and I think the others were curry and rice bowls, so I have to go again (*´∇`*)
The other day, I ate katsutama.
This is also delicious😋 -
daisukeys ao水炊きも美味しいけど、、ここのやきとん最強に美味い (Translated by Google) Mizutaki is delicious, but the yakiton here is the most delicious.水炊きも美味しいけど、、ここのやきとん最強に美味い
(Translated by Google)
Mizutaki is delicious, but the yakiton here is the most delicious. -
みか太郎博多駅から近い! 鍋の季節もそろそろ終わりそうで悲しいですが、水炊きが絶品で美味しくておすすめです! 焼き鳥も一品料理も美味しかったです! 内装もお洒落で落ち着いて食事できます! (Translated by Goo...博多駅から近い!
(Translated by Google)
Close to Hakata Station!
I'm sad that the season for hotpot is coming to an end, but I highly recommend mizutaki as it's exquisite and delicious!
Both the yakitori and the a la carte dishes were delicious!
The interior is stylish and you can enjoy your meal in peace!